Daryn Alexus


Daryn Alexus

Daryn was born and raised in Washington DC and came to Chicago to attended Columbia College.  While there she won the Biggest Mouth Competition, the schools most competitive music competition.  After graduation she decided to stay in the city, calling Chicago her second home after living here for nearly 8 years now. She’s had several opportunities to perform at great venues around the city; Lincoln Hall, Chop Shop, Schubas, Reggie’s, and The Metro among many others.  IN 2014 she released an EP titled GREEN that led to a few articles from The Chicago Tribune and the Red Eye, and opened the door to many other wonderful unforgettable opportunities and friendships. Daryn now continues to make music with her producer Dee Lilly in her South Side Apartment. Currently releasing tracks for her “Wild Flower Series” and moving towards another EP at the top of the year, Daryn is sure to keep busy creating.

Rhymes: Lil Wayne, “Go DJ,” Black Star “Definition,” and Kanye West “I Wonder”


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